Astrobiology誌の201年度のVol. 21、12月号(Issue 12)(に、たんぽぽ実験の特集が組まれました。横堀グループからの論文掲載は下記の3報です。
Yamagishi, A., S. Yokobori, K. Kobayashi, H. Mita, H. Yabuta, M. Tabata,
M. Higashide, & H. Yano (2021) Scientific targets of Tanpopo: Astrobiology
exposure and micrometeoroid capture experiments at the Japanese Experiment
Module Exposed Facility of the International Space Station. Astrobiology
21(12): 1451-146(
Kobayashi, K., H. Mita, Y. Kebukawa, K. Nakagawa, T. Kaneko, Y. Obayashi,
T. Sato, T. Yokoo, S. Minematsu, H. Fukuda, Y. Oguri, I. Yoda, S. Yoshida,
K. Kanda, E. Imai, H. Yano, H. Hashimoto, S. Yokobori, & A. Yamagishi
(2021) Space Exposure of Amino Acids and Their Precursors in the Tanpopo
Mission. Astrobiology 21(12): 1479-1493(
Fujiwara, D., Y. Kawaguchi, Y. Togashi, I. Kinoshita, J. Yatabe, I. Narumi,
H. Hashimoto, S. Yokobori, & A. Yamagishi (2021) Mutation analysis
of the rpoB gene in the radiation-resistant bacterium Deinococcus radiodurans
R1 exposed to space. Astrobiology 21(12): 1494-1504(
Harada, M., A. Akiyama, R. Furukawa, S. Yokobori, E. Tajika, & A.Yamagishi
(2021) Evolution of Superoxide Dismutases and Catalases in Cyanobacteria:
Occurrence of the Antioxidant Enzyme Genes before the Rise of Atmospheric
Oxygen. Journal of Molecular Evolution 89(8): 527-543