- Selection of a platinum-binding sequence in a loop of a four-helix bundle protein.
Yagi S, Akanuma S, Kaji A, Niiro H, Akiyama H, Uchida T, Yamagishi A.
J. Biosci. Bioeng. in press (2017)
- Characterization of a thermostable mutant of Agaricus brasiliensis laccase created by phylogeny-based design.
Hamuro Y, Tajima K, Matsumoto-Akanuma A, Sakamoto S, Furukawa R, Yamagishi A, Ohno N, Akanuma S.
J. Biosci. Bioeng. 124(6): 623-629 (2017)
- Hydroxylation of a conserved tRNA modification establishes non-universal genetic code in echinoderm mitochondria.
Nagao A, Ohara M, Miyauchi K, Yokobori S, Yamagishi A, Watanabe K, Suzuki T.
Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol. 24(9): 778-782 (2017)
- Space as a Tool for Astrobiology: Review and recommendations for experimentations in Earth orbit and beyond
Cottin H, Kotler JM, Billi D, Cockell C, Demets R, Ehrenfreund P, Elsaesser A, d'Hendecourt L, van Loon J, Martins Z, Onofri S, Quinn R, Rabbow E, Rettberg P, Ricco AJ, Slenzka K, de la Torre R, de Vera J-P, Westall F, Carrasco N, Fresneau A, Kawaguchi Y, Kebukawa Y, Nguyen D, Poch O, Saiagh K, Stalport F, Yamagishi A, Yano H, Klamm BA.
Space Sci. Rev.209(1-4): 83-181 (2017)
- Reconstructed ancestral enzymes suggest long-term cooling of Earth’s photic zone since the Archean.
Garcia AK, Schopf JW, Yokobori S, Akanuma S, Yamagishi A.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 114(18): 4619-4624 (2017)
- Diversification of mitochondrial genome of Daphnia galeata (Cladocera, Crustacea): comparison with phylogenetic consideration of the complete sequences of clones isolated from five lakes in Japan
Tokishita S, Shibuya H, Kobayashi T, Sakamoto M, Ha J-Y, Yokobori S, Yamagata H, Hanazato T.
- Updated mitochondrial phylogenomics of Pteriomorphia and Heterodonta in Bivalvia, including deep-sea chemosymbiotic Bathymodiolus mussels, vesicomyid clams, and the thyasirid clam Conchocele cf. bisecta.
Ozawa M, Shimamura S, Takagi Y, Yokobori S, Maeda T, Maruyama T, Yoshida T.
Marine Genomics 31, 43-52 (2017)
- Archaeal and bacterial communities in deep-sea hydrogenetic ferromanganese crusts on old seamounts of the northwestern Pacific.
Nitahara S, Kato S, Usui A, Urabe T, Suzuki K, Yamagishi A.
PLOS ONE 12(2), e0173071, 10.1371/journal.pone.0173071(2017)
- 10. ロボットにならあえるかも知れません
「科学者18人にお尋ねします。宇宙にはだれかいますか?」 140-148, 河出書房ISBN-10: 430925361X(2017)
- 特集I-2「アストロバイオロジー」宇宙での微生物と有機物探査−生命の起原に関わる二つの謎に迫る
「生物の科学 遺伝」 71, No.2 121-126 (2017)
- 遺伝子工学の基礎技術
「遺伝子工学」廣川書店 60-91, ISBN 978-4-567-45020-1 (2017)
- Quest for ancestors of eukaryal cells based on phylogenetic analyses of aminoacyl tRNA synthetases
Furukawa R, Nakagawa M, Kuroyanagi T, Yokobori S, Yamagishi A.
J. Mol. Evol. 84(1): 51-66. (2016)
- Birth of Archaeal Cells―Molecular phylogenetic analyses of G1P dehydrogenase, G3P dehydrogenases, and glycerol kinase suggest derived features of archaeal membranes having G1P-polar lipids
Yokobori S, Nakajima Y, Akanuma S, Yamagishi A.
Archaea Article ID 1802675 (2016)
- Extremotolerant tardigrade genome and improved radiotolerance of human cultured cells by tardigrade-unique protein
Hashimoto T, Horikawa DD, Saito Y, Kuwahara H, Kozuka-Hata H, Shin-I T, Minakuchi Y, Ohishi K, Motoyama A, Aizu T, Abe K, Horiuchi T, Enomoto A, Kondo K, Tanaka S, Hara Y, Koshikawa S, Sagara H, Miura T, Yokobori S, Miyagawa K, Sugano S, Suzuki Y, Kubo T, Oyama M, Kohara Y, Fujiyama A, Arakawa K, Katayama T, Toyoda A, Kunieda T.
Nature Comm. 7, 12808 (DOI: 10.1038/ncomms12808) (2016)
- De novo design of protein-protein interactions through modification of inter-molecular helix-helix interface residues
Yagi S, Akanuma S, Yamagishi M, Uchida T, Yamagishi A.
- A novel large filamentous deltaproteobacterium on hydrothermally inactive sulfide chimneys of the Southern Mariana Trough
Kato S, Yamagishi A.
Deep-Sea Research Part I 110: 99-105 (2016)
- Investigation of the interplanetary transfer of microbes in the Tanpopo mission at the Exposed Facility of the International Space Station
Kawaguchi Y, Yokobori S, Hashimoto H, Yano H, Tabata M, Kawai H, Yamagishi A.
Astrobiolgy 16(5):363-76 (2016)
- Chapter 20 “A Strategy for Designing Thermostable Enzymes by Reconstructing Ancestral Sequences Possessed by Ancient Life”
Akanuma S. and Yamagishi A.
Grand Challenges in Biology and Biotechnology “Biotechnology of Extremophiles: Advances and Challenges” ed. Pabulo H. Rampelotto, Springer p. 581-596 (2016)
- Chapter 20 "Ancestral Reconstruction of Enzymes"
Akanuma S. and Yamagishi A.
"Understanding enzymes; Function, Design, Engineering and Analysis" ed. Allan Svendsen, Pan Stanford Publishing (2016)
- ここまでわかった「生命の起源」
特集:アストロバイオロジー 季刊ビオフィリア電子版, No.19, 16-21 (2016)
- 巻頭言, 生命科学の進展に寄せて:アストロバイオロジー:宇宙での生命と生命の起源
特集:アストロバイオロジー 季刊ビオフィリア電子版, No.19, 1-3 (2016)
- 特集:アストロバイオロジー
季刊ビオフィリア電子版, No.19, 1-54 (2016)
- 全生物の共通祖先は熱水地帯に棲んでいた
現代化学 (548), 12-13 (2016)
- パンスペルミア仮説
「系外惑星の事典」 朝倉書店, 154-155,ISBN-10: 4254150210(2016)
- 宇宙生物学
「植物学の百科事典」 丸善, ISBN-10: 4621300385(2016)
- 化学合成細菌
「植物学の百科事典」 丸善, ISBN-10: 4621300385(2016)
- 地形学からみた火星の表層環境史と生命探査
地学雑誌, 125, 171-184, Doi:10.5026/jgeography.125.171(2016)
- たんぽぽミッションにおける機械式温度計の開発
日本機械学会論文集 82 (835) 15-00538 (2016)
- 地球外生命を求めて
- アストロバイオロジー−地球外生命の可能性
- Overview 特集「アストロバイオロジーとの遭遇 生命のルーツを探る旅」
細胞工学, Vol.35, p.98-100,秀潤社(2016)
- 特集「アストロバイオロジーとの遭遇 生命のルーツを探る旅」
細胞工学, Vol.35, No.2, 秀潤社(2016)
- 地球最初の生命は、どこで生まれたのか
コトバ第22号2016年冬号、集英社、p. 166-169 (2016)
- Evolution of eukaryotic DNA polymerases via interaction between cells and large DNA viruses
Takemura M, Yokobori S, Ogata H.
- Ultralow-density double-layer silica aerogel fabrication for the intact capture of cosmic dust in low-Earth orbits
Tabata M, Kawai H, Yano H, Imai E, Hashimoto H, Yokobori S, Yamagishi A.
J. Sol-Gel Sci. Tech. 77(2): 325-334 (2015)
- Silica aerogel for capturing intact interplanetary dust particles for the Tanpopo experiment
Tabata M, Yano H, Kawai H, Imai E, Kawaguchi Y, Hashimoto H, Yamagishi A.
- Ancestral amino acids substitution improves the thermal stability of recombinant lignin-peroxidase from white-rot fungi, Phanerochaete chrysosporium strain UAMH 3641
Semba Y, Ishida M, Yokobori S, Yamagishi A.
Protein Engineer. Des. Select. 28(7): 221-230. (2015)
- Impact frequency estimate of micron-sized meteoroids and debris on Tanpopo Capture Panels on the ISS
Kurihara M, Higashide M, Takayanagi Y, Arai K, Yano H, Tabata M, Hasegawa S, Yamagishi A.
Procedia Engineering 103, 334-340. (2015)
- Potential for biogeochemical cycling of sulfur, iron and carbon within massive sulfide deposits below the seafloor
Kato S, Ikehata K, Shibuya T, Urabe T, Ohkuma M, Yamagishi A.
- Epistasis effects of multiple ancestral-consensus amino acid substitutions on the thermal stability of glycerol kinase from Cellulomonas sp. NT3060
Fukuda, Y, Abe A, Tamura T, Kishimoto T, Sogabe A, Akanuma S, Yokobori S, Yamagishi A, Imada K, Inagaki K.
- Robustness of predictions of extremely thermally stable proteins in ancient organisms
Akanuma S, Yokobori S, Nakajima Y, Bessho M, Yamagishi A,
- Development of hydrothermal and frictional experimental systems to simulate sub-seafloor water-rock-microbe interactions. In Subseafloor biosphere linked to global hydrothermal systems: TAIGA concept
Suzuki K, Kato S, Shibuya T, Hirose T, Fuchida S, Rejish Kumar VJ, Yoshizaki M, Masaki Y, Nakamura K, Kobayashi K, Masuda, H, Yamagishi A, Urabe T.
In "Subseafloor biosphere linked to global hydrothermal systems: TAIGA concept" (Eds Ishibashi J, Okino K, Sunamura M). Tokyo: Springer Japan. pp 71-85. (2015)
- Intra-field variation of prokaryotic communities on and below the seafloor in the back-arc hydrothermal system of the Southern Mariana Trough
Kato S, Ohkuma M, Yamagishi A.
In "Subseafloor biosphere linked to global hydrothermal systems: TAIGA concept" (Eds Ishibashi J, Okino K, Sunamura M), Tokyo: Springer Japan. pp 301-311. (2015)
- Experimental assessment of microbial effects on chemical interactions between seafloor massive sulfides and seawater at 4°C.
Kato S, Suzuki K, Shibuya T, Ishibashi J, Ohkuma M, Yamagishi A.
In 2Subseafloor biosphere linked to global hydrothermal systems: TAIGA concept" (Eds Ishibashi J, Okino K, Sunamura M), Tokyo: Springer Japan. pp 95-103. (2015)
- 特集:生命の起源と進化「日本の火星着陸生命探査計画の現状」
理大 「科学フォーラム」2015.11, p.6-9 (2015)
- 「たんぽぽ計画」に注目!宇宙実験が始まるまで
「宇宙のとびら」2015秋、P. 2-3 (2015)
- 第1章 生命とは何か
海部宣男、星元紀、丸山茂徳 監修「宇宙生命論」、東京大学出版会 (2015)
- Computer Simulation Analysis of the Protein Binding Interfaces that Form a 4-Helix Bundle Motif
Fukuda M, Yamada H, Morikawa R, Miyakawa T, Takasu M, Akanuma S, Yamagishi A.
JPS Conf. Proc. 1, 016020 (2014) doi:10.1016/j.jbiosc.2014.03.002
- Coarse-Grained Molecular Dynamics Simulation of IPMDH
Hirata Y, Komatsu Y, Fukuda M, Yamada H, Miyakawa T, Morikawa, R, Akanuma S, Yamagishi A, Takasu M.
JPS Conf. Proc. 1, 016010 (2014) doi:10.1016/j.jbiosc.2014.03.002
- Chapter 3. Prokaryotes in metal deposits on the deep seafloor
Kato S, Yamagishi A.
In "Deep Sea, Edition 1" (Eds. Nigel T. Wilson), Nova Science Publishers Inc, pp. 103-134 (2014)
PubMed Wiley
- Potential for biogeochemical cycling of sulfur, iron and carbon within massive sulfide deposits below the seafloor
Kato S, Ikehata K, Shibuya T, Urabe T, Ohkuma M, Yamagishi A.
Environ. Microbiol. (2014) doi:10.1111/1462-2920.12648
PubMed Wiley
- *Fluorescence imaging of microbe-containing particles shot from a two-stage Light-gas gun into an aerogel
Kawaguchi Y, Sugino T, Tabata M, Okudaira K, Imai E, Yano H, Hasegawa S, Hashimoto H, Yabuta H, Kobayashi K, Kawai H, Mita H, Yokobori S, Yamagishi A.
Orig. Life Evol. Biosph. (2014) doi:10.1007/s11084-014-9361-x
- *Characterization of the low-temperature activity of Sulfolobus tokodaii glucose-1-dehydrogenase mutants
Sugii T, Akanuma S, Yagi S, Yagyu K, Shimoda Y, Yamagishi A.
- *Addition of negatively charged residues can reverse the decrease in the solubility of an acidic protein caused by an artificially introduced non-polar surface patch
Yagi S, Akanuma S, Yamagishi A.
- Cloning and characterization of laccase DNA from the Royal Sun Medicinal Mushroom, Agaricus brasiliensis (Higher Basidiomycetes)
Matsumoto-Akanuma A, Akanuma S, Motoi M, Yamagishi A, Ohno N.
Int. J. Med. Mush. 16(4), 375-393 (2014)
- N-terminal hydrophobic amino acids of ATF5 confer IL-1β-induced stabilization
Abe T, Kojima M, Akanuma S, Iwashita H, Yamazaki T, Okuyama R, Ichikawa K, Umemura M, Nakano H, Takahashi S, Takahashi Y.
J. Biol. Chem. 289(7), 3888-3900 (2014)
- Preparation of Phi29 DNA polymerase free of amplifiable DNA using ethidium monoazide, an ultraviolet-free light-emitting diode lamp and trehalose
Takahashi H, Yamazaki H, Akanuma S, Kanahara H, Saito T, Chimuro Kobayashi T, Ohtani T, Yamamoto K, Sugiyama S, Kobori T.
- Imaging live cell in micro-liquid enclosure by X-ray laser diffraction
Kimura T, Joti Y, Shibuya A, Song C, Kim S, Tono K, Yabashi M, Tamakoshi M, Moriya T, Oshima T, Ishikawa T, Bessho Y, Nishino Y.
- Arabidopsis thaliana mitochondrial EF-G1 functions in two different translational steps
Suematsu T, Watanabe O, Kita K, Yokobori S, Watanabe Y.
J. Biochem. 155(2), 107-114 (2014)
- Molecular Basis of ADP Inhibition of Vacuolar (V)-type ATPase/Synthase
Kishikawa J, Nakanishi A, Furuike S, Tamakoshi M, Yokoyama K.
J. Biol. Chem. 289(1), 403-412 (2014)
- Evaluation of the protein interfaces that form an intermolecular four-helix bundle as studied by computer simulation
Fukuda M, Komatsu Y, Yamada H, Morikawa R, Miyakawa T, Takasu M, Akanuma S, Yamagishi A.
Molecular Simulation 40(6), 498-503 (2014)
- Coarse-Grained Molecular Dynamics Simulation of IPMDH
Hirata Y, Komatsu Y, Fukuda M, Yamada H, Miyakawa T, Morikawa R, Akanuma S, Yamagishi A, Takasu M.
JPS Conf. Proc. 1, 016010 (2014) doi:10.1016/j.jbiosc.2014.03.002
- Computer Simulation Analysis of the Protein Binding Interfaces that Form a 4-Helix Bundle Motif
Fukuda M, Yamada H, Morikawa R, Miyakawa T, Takasu M, Akanuma S, Yamagishi A.
JPS Conf. Proc. 1, 016020 (2014) doi:10.1016/j.jbiosc.2014.03.002
- Chapter 3. Prokaryotes in metal deposits on the deep seafloor
Kato S, Yamagishi A.
In "Deep Sea, Edition 1" (Eds. Nigel T. Wilson). Nova Science Publishers Inc, pp. 103-134 (2014)
- Chapter 2. How the early genetic code was established? -Inference from the analysis of extant animal mitochondrial decoding systems-
Watanabe K, Yokobori S.
In Chemical Biology of Nucleic Acids: Fundamentals and Clinical Applications (Eds. Erdmann VA, Markiewicz WT, Barciszewski J.) Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 25-40 (2014)
- 成層圏の微生物
「環境と微生物の辞典」 朝倉書店 343-353 (2014)
- 全生物の共通祖先遺伝子の復元
バイオサイエンスとインダストリー 72(1), 19-23 (2014)
- Distinct tRNA modifications in the thermo-acidophilic archaeon, Thermoplasma acidophilum
Tomikawa C, Ohira T, Inoue Y, Kawamura T, Yamagishi A, Suzuki T, Hori H.
FEBS Lett 587(21), 3575-3580 (2013)
- *The possible interplanetary transfer of microbes: Assessing the viability of Deinococcus spp. under the ISS environmental conditions for performing exposure experiments of microbes in Tanpopo mission
Kawaguchi Y, Yang Y, Kawashiri N, Shiraishi K, Takasu M, Narumi I, Satoh K, Hashimoto H, Nakagawa K, Tanigawa Y, Momoki Y, Tanabe M, Sugino T, Takahashi Y, Shimizu Y, Yoshida S, Kobayashi K, Yokobori S, Yamagishi A.
Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres 43(4-5), 411-428 (2013)
PubMed Springer
- *Life without tRNAArg-adenosine deaminase TadA: evolutionary consequences of decoding the four CGN codons as arginine in Mycoplasmas and other Mollicutes
Yokobori S, Kitamura A, Grosjean H, Bessho Y.
Nucleic Acids Res 41: 6531-6543 (2013)
- Selection of lichens resistant to the cosmic environment - thermal cycle treatment, UV irradiation and heavy particle beam -
Takahashi Y, Shibata S, Yokoyama J, Hashimoto H, Yokobori S, Yamagishi A.
Biol. Sci. Space 27, 9-18 (2013)
- Visualization of two distinct states of disassembly in the bacterial V-ATPase from Thermus thermophilus.
Tani K, Arthur CP, Tamakoshi M, Yokoyama K, Mitsuoka K, Fujiyoshi Y, Gerle C.
Microscopy (Oxf) 62(4), 467-474 (2013)
- Characteristics of microbial communities in crustal fluids in a deep-sea hydrothermal field of the suiyo seamount
Kato S, Nakawake M, Kita J, Yamanaka T, Utsumi M, Okamura K, Ishibashi J, Ohkuma M, Yamagishi A.
Front Microbiol 4, 85 (2013)
- *Experimental evidence for the thermophilicity of ancestral life
Akanuma S, Nakajima Y, Yokobori S, Kimura M, Nemoto N, Mase T, Miyazono K, Tanokura M, Yamagishi A.
- *Elemental dissolution experiments of basaltic rocks with ultra-pure water at 340C and 40MPa in a newly developed flow-type hydrothermal apparatus
Kato S, Shibuya T, Nakamura K, Suzuki K, Rejish Kumar VJ, Yamagishi A.
Geochemical Journal 47, 89-92 (2013)
- Decoding mechanism of non-universal genetic codes in Loligo bleekeri mitochondria
Ohira T, Suzuki T, Miyauchi K, Suzuki T, Yokobori S, Yamagishi A, Watanabe K.
J. Bio. Chem. 288, 7645-7652 (2013)
- Simulation study of protein-protein interfaces based on the 4-helix bundle structure
Fukuda M, Komatsu Y, Morikawa R, Miyakawa T, Takasu M, Akanuma S, Yamagishi A.
AIP Conf. Proc. 1518, 606-609 (2013)
- Simulation study of bacterial colonies formed by the twitching motility: the effect of slingshot-like motions of bacteria on the colony edge
Morikawa R, Miyakawa T, Tamakoshi M, Takasu M
AIP Conf. Proc. 1518, 590-593 (2013)
- Chapter 12. Comparative Genomics of Thermophilic Bacteria and Archaea
Akanuma S, Yokobori S, Yamagishi A.
In "Thermophilic Microbes in Environmental and Industrial Biotechnology" (Eds. Satyanarayana, T., Litterchild J., Kawarabayasi, Y). Springer Science, pp. 331-349 (2013)
- 特集2「今、宇宙がおもしろい:アストロバイオロジー」
- 全生物の共通祖先となる高温安定タンパク質の復元
科研費NEWS 3:15(2013)
- 高機能タンパク質創製技術の現状と展望
「技術予測レポート2023」上巻、日本能率協会総合研究所 pp. 80-91(2013)
- 進化分子工学を利用したタンパク質分子育種技術
「進化分子工学 -高速分子進化によるタンパク質・核酸の開発-」、エヌ・ティー・エス、343-353 (2013)
- 祖先型設計法を用いた耐熱性タンパク質の配列探索
- 項目96「成層圏の微生物」
「環境と微生物の事典」、朝倉書店 (2013) 印刷中
- 第1章 アストロバイオロジーとは
山岸明彦編集 「アストロバイオロジー」、化学同人、2-6 (2013)
- 第3章 地球上の生命の起源
山岸明彦編集 「アストロバイオロジー」、化学同人、23-42 (2013)
- 第4章 地球上の生命の進化
山岸明彦編集 「アストロバイオロジー」、化学同人、43-65 (2013)
- 第9章 全生物の共通祖先
山岸明彦編集 「アストロバイオロジー」、化学同人、118-131 (2013)
- 第12章 真核生物(真核細胞)の誕生
山岸明彦編集 「アストロバイオロジー」、化学同人、156-168 (2013)
- 第17章 火星における生命探査
山岸明彦編集 「アストロバイオロジー」、化学同人、212-221 (2013)
- 第21章 パンスペルミア仮説
Yang, Yinjie、横堀伸一
山岸明彦編集 「アストロバイオロジー」、化学同人、243-248 (2013)
- 第27章 我々はどこから来てどこへ行くのか
山岸明彦編集 「アストロバイオロジー」、化学同人、304-311 (2013)
- Beppu Hotspring, Japan, as a Terrestrial Analog for Ancient Hydrothermal Systems on Mars
Komatsu G, Takemura K, Goto K, Shibuya H, Yamagishi S, Sekina Y, Ishimaru R.
43rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2012)
- Constructing protein nano-fiber and estimation of the electronic state around metal ions
Komatsu Y, Fukuda M, Yamada H, Kawamoto S, Miyakawa T, Morikawa R, Takasu M, Yokojima S, Akanuma S, Yamagishi A.
Int. J. Quant. Chem. 112, 3750-3755 (2012)
- Designing the binding surface of proteins to construct nano-fibers
Komatsu Y, Yamada H, Kawamoto S, Fukuda M, Miyakawa T, Morikawa R, Takasu M, Akanuma S, Yamagishi A.
Prog. Theor. Chem. Phys. 26, 555-567 (2012)
- Tolerance of eggs in the Tardigrade Ramazzottius varieornatus to extreme environments
Horikawa, DD, Yamaguchi A, Sakashita T, Tanaka D, Hamada N, Yukuhiro F, Kuwahara H, Kunieda T, Watanabe M, Nakahara Y, Wada S, Funayama T, Katagiri C, Higashi S, Yokobori S, Kuwabara M, Rothschild LJ, Okuda T, Hashimoto H, Kobayashi Y.
Astrobiol. 12, 283-289 (2012)
- *Prokaryotic abundance and community composition in a freshwater iron-rich microbial mat at circumneutral pH
Kato S, Kikuchi S, Kashiwabara T, Takahashi Y, Suzuki K, Itoh T, Ohkuma M, Yamagishi A.
- *Distribution and phylogenetic diversity of cbbM genes encoding RubisCO form II in a deep-sea hydrothermal field revealed by newly designed PCR primers
Kato S, Nakawake M, Ohkuma M, Yamagishi A.
Extremophiles 16, 277-283 (2012)
- *Iron-based microbial ecosystem on and below the seafloor: a case study of hydrothermal fields of the Southern Mariana Trough
Kato S, Nakamura K, Toki T, Ishibashi J, Tsunogai U, Hirota A, Ohkuma M, Yamagishi A.
Front. Microbio. 3, 89 (2012)
- Formation, alteration and delivery of exogenous high molecular weight organic compounds: Objectives of the Tanpopo Mission from the point of view of chemical evolution
Kobayashi K, Sarker PK, Ono K, Kawamoto Y, Obayashi Y, Kaneko T, Yoshida S, Mita H, Yabuta H, Yamagishi A.
Trans. JSASS Aerospace Tech. Japan 10, Tp7-Tp11 (2012)
- コラム「たんぽぽ計画:国際宇宙ステーションでの宇宙塵・微生物の曝露、 捕集実験」
地球と宇宙の化学事典、朝倉書店、p.41 (2012)
- 論点4 生命は意外に簡単に誕生した
立花隆他著 「地球外生命9の論点」、Blue Backs講談社、97-123 (2012)
- 大気圏上空および宇宙空間における微生物の探索
今中忠行監修 「極限環境生物の産業展開」、シーエムシー出版、281-287 (2012)
- 火星における欧米の生命探査計画とMELOS計画での生命探査
地質学雑誌 118, 675-682 (2012)
- アストロバイオロジーにおける生命探査手法の開発
月刊海洋 特集「地球生命科学の夢ロードマップ?古環境研究から未来環境を予測する?」 44, 272-277 (2012)
- 個別観測機器提案「火星生命探査機器群提案」-細胞,アミノ酸,メタン検出を目的とした-
日本惑星科学会誌「遊星人」 21, 276-282 (2012)
- *Substitutions of coenzyme-binding, non-polar residues improve the low-temperature activity of thermophilic dehydrogenases
Hayashi S, Akanuma S, Onuki W, Tokunaga C, Yamagishi A.
- *Genomic and proteomic characterization of the large Myoviridae bacteriophage TMA of the extreme thermophile Thermus thermophilus
Tamakoshi M, Murakami A, Sugisawa M, Tsuneizumi K, Takeda S, Saheki T, Izumi T, Akiba T, Mitsuoka K, Toh H, Yamashita A, Arisaka F, Hattori M, Oshima T, Yamagishi A.
- *Phylogeny-based design of a B-subunit of DNA gyrase and its ATPase domain using a small set of homologous amino acid sequences
Akanuma S, Iwami S, Yokoi T, Nakamura N, Watanabe H, Yokobori S, Yamagishi A.
- *Archaeal diversity in a terrestrial acidic spring field revealed by a novel PCR primer targeting archaeal 16S rRNA genes
Kato, S., Itoh, T., Yamagishi, A.
- *Molecular characterization of the microbial community in hydrogenetic ferromanganese crusts of the Takuyo-Daigo Seamount, northwest Pacific
Nitahara, S., Kato, S., Urabe, T., Usui, A., Yamagishi, A.
- *Stability of heterochiral hybrid membrane made of bacterial sn-G3P 2 lipids and archaeal sn-G1P Lipids
Shimada, H., Yamagishi. A.
- *Roles for the two N-terminal (beta/alpha) modules in the folding of a (beta/alpha)8-barrel protein as studied by fragmentation analysis
Akanuma S, Yamagishi A.
- The GINS complex from the thermophilic archaeon, Thermoplasma acidophilum may function as a homotetramer in DNA replication
Ogino H, Ishino S, Mayanagi K, Haugland GT, Birkeland NK, Yamagishi A, Ishino Y.
Extremophiles 15, 529-539 (2011)
- Male death resulting from hybridisation between subspecies of the gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar
Higashiura, Y., H. Yamaguchi, M. Ishihara, N. Ono, H. Tsukagoshi, S. Yokobori, S. Tokishita, H. Yamagata, T. Fukatsu
Heredity 106:603-613 (2011)
- Tanpopo cosmic dust collector: silica aerogel production and bacterial DNA contamination analysis
Tabata. M., Y. Kawaguchi, S. Yokobori, H. Kawai, J. Takahashi, H. Yano, A. Yamagishi
Biol .Sci. Space 25: 7-12. (2011)
- tRNA modification and genetic code variations in animal mitochondria
Watanabe, K. S. Yokobori
J. Nucleic Acids, doi:10.4061/2011/623095 (2011)
- Taurine-containing uridine modifications in tRNA anticodons are required to decipher non-universal genetic codes in ascidian mitochondria
Suzuki T, Miyauchi K, Suzuki T, Yokobori SI, Shigi N, Kondow A, Takeuchi N, Yamagishi A, Watanabe K.
J. Biol. Chem. 286, 35494-35498 (2011)
- Crystal Structures and Enzymatic Properties of a Triamine/Agmatine Aminopropyltransferase from Thermus thermophilus
Ohnuma M, Ganbe T, Terui Y, Niitsu M, Sato T, Tanaka N, Tamakoshi M, Samejima K, Kumasaka T, Oshima T.
- Calditerricola satsumensis gen. nov., sp. nov. and Calditerricola yamamurae sp. nov., extreme thermophiles isolated from a high-temperature compost
Moriya, T., Hikota, T., Yumoto, I., Ito, T., Terui, Y., Yamagishi, A., Oshima, T.
Int. J. System. Evol. Microbiol. 61, 631-636 (2011)
- Partial purification and characterization of polyphenoloxidase from Culinary-Medicinal Royal Sun Mushroom (the Himematsutake), Agaricus brasiliensis S. Wasser et al. (Agaricomycetideae)
Matsumoto-Akanuma A, Akanuma S, Motoi M, Yamagishi A, Ohno N
- Chapter 16. Microbial biodiversity and biogeography on the deep seafloor.
Kato S, Yamagishi A.
In Changing Diversity in Changing Environment, (Grillo O, Venora G, eds.) Rijeka (2011) pp. 357-374.
- Genetic code: Introduction (Version 2)
Watanabe, K. S. Yokobori
In: Encyclopedia of Life Science. DOI: 10.1002/9780470015902.a0000809 (2011)
- 「太陽系におけるアストロバイオロジー」特集にあたって
日本惑星科学会誌「遊星人」20, 92-93 (2011)
- 火星での生命探査計画
日本惑星科学会誌「遊星人」20, 108-116 (2011)
- たんぽぽ計画:有機物・微生物の宇宙曝露と宇宙塵・微生物の捕集
日本惑星科学会誌「遊星人」20, 117-124 (2011)
- *Microbial ecosystem in marine hydrothermal system in the early and present Earth
Kato S, Yamagishi A.
- *Deinococcus aetherius sp. nov., isolated from the stratosphere.
Yang, Y., T. Itoh, S. Yokobori, S. Itahashi, H. Shimada, K. Satoh, H. Ohba, I. Narumi, & A. Yamagishi.
Internatl. J. Sys. Evol. Bacteriol.
60, 776-779 (2010)
- Search for microbes on the Mars surface with special interest in methane-oxidizing bacteria
Yamagishi A., Yokobori, S., Yoshimura, Y., Yamashita, M., Hashimoto, H., Kubota, T., Yano, H., Haruyama, J., Tabata, M., Kobayashi, K., Honda, H., Utsumi, Y., Saiki, T., Itoh, T., Miyakawa, A., Hamase, K., Naganuma, T., Mita, H., Tonokura, K., Sasaki, S., and Miyamoto, H., Japan Astrobiology Mars Project (JAMP):
Biological Sciences in Space 24, 67-82 (2010)
- Improvement of Bacillus circulans {beta}-amylase activity attained using the ancestral mutation method
Yamashiro K, Yokobori SI, Koikeda S, Yamagishi A
Protein Eng. Des. Sel. 23, 519-528 (2010)
- *Mimicking the evolution of a thermally stable monomeric four-helix bundle by fusion of four identical single-helix peptides
Akanuma S, Matsuba T, Ueno E, Umeda N, Yamagishi A
- *Biogeography and biodiversity in sulfide structures of active and inactive vents at deep-sea hydrothermal fields of the Southern Mariana Trough
Kato S, Takano Y, Kakegawa T, Oba H, Inoue K, Kobayashi C, Utsumi M, Marumo K, Kobayashi K, Ito Y, Ishibashi J, Yamagishi A
- A bacterial elongation factor G homolog exclusively functions in ribosome recycling in the spirochaete Borrelia burgdorferi
Suematsu T, S Yokobori, H Morita, S Yoshinari, T Ueda, K Kita, N Takeuchi, Y. Watanabe
Mol. Microbiol. 75: 1445-1454 (2010)
- Transcription profile of Thermus thermophilus CRISPR systems after phage infection.
Agari Y, Sakamoto K, Tamakoshi M, Oshima T, Kuramitsu S, Shinkai A.
J. Mol. Biol. 395: 270-281. (2010)
- B案【生命探査】火星の表面で微生物を探す
MARS Why Mars red? p.139-145 東京大学総合研究博物館 (2010)
- 熱水噴出孔は始原生命をはぐくむか
生命の起原をさぐる:宇宙からよみとく生物進化 奥野誠、馬場昭次、山下雅道編、p.82-97 東大出版会 (2010)
- 遺伝子情報をさかのぼり祖先の姿をさぐる
生命の起原をさぐる:宇宙からよみとく生物進化 奥野誠、馬場昭次、山下雅道編 p.100-119 東大出版会 (2010)
- 第1章 生命進化における極限環境
新しい生物学第10巻極限環境生物学、p.1-44 岩波 (2010)
- 第5章 宇宙環境生物学
山下雅道、馬場昭次 、新しい生物学 第10巻極限環境生物学 p.179-220岩波 (2010)
- 生命の誕生、エオサイト仮説、耐熱タンパク質等50項目
生物学事典、 石川統、黒岩常祥、塩見正衛、松本忠夫、守隆夫、八杉貞夫、山本正幸編、東京化学同人 (2010)
- 地球上での生命の起原と太陽系惑星での生命探査の可能性
TMS研究2010 (1), 6-9 (2010)
- 深海や大気圏上空、宇宙の微生物
化学療法の領域 26, 2426-2427 (2010)
- 酵素を創るI - 生物学的アプローチ:細胞を用いたタンパク質合成 - 大腸菌
酵素利用技術体系、エヌ・ティー・エス (2010)
- 大気圏上空および宇宙におけるバイオゾル探査
エアロゾル研究 Earozoru Kenkyu 25 (1): 48-54 (2010)
- 特集原子、分子から見た生命、化学進化から全生物の祖先へ -好熱菌誕生への道のり- (談:山岸明彦)
- *Abundance of Zetaproteobacteria within crustal fluids in back-arc hydrothermal fields of the Southern Mariana Trough
Kato S, Yanagawa K, Sunamura M, Takano Y, Ishibashi J-i, Kakegawa T, Utsumi M, Yamanaka T, Toki T, Noguchi T, Kobayashi K, Moroi A, Kimura H, Kawarabayasi Y, Marumo K, Urabe T, Yamagishi A
- *Microbial communities in iron-silica-rich microbial mats at deep-sea hydrothermal fields of the southern Mariana Trough
Kato S, Kobayashi C, Kakegawa T, Yamagishi A
- *Spatial distribution, diversity and composition of bacterial communities in sub-seafloor fluids at a deep-sea hydrothermal field of the Suiyo Seamount
Kato S, Hara K, Kasai H, Teramura T, Sunamura M, Ishibashi J-i, Kakegawa T, Yamanaka T, Kimura H, Marumo K, Urabe T, Yamagishia A.
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 56, 1844-1855 (2009)
- Significance of Organic Compounds in Interplanetary Dust Particles: Scientific Objectives of Tanpopo Mission
Kobayashi K, Hashimoto H, Kaneko T, Mita H, Nakashima S, Naraoka H, Okudaira K, Takahashi J, Takano Y, Yamagishi A, Yamashita M, Yano H, Yokobori S, Tanpopo WG.
Orig. Life Evol. Biosph. 39, 4 (2009)
- *Bacterial survival in responses to desiccation and high huminity at above zero and subzero temperatures.
Yang Y, Yokobori S, Yamagishi A.
Adv. Space Res. 43,1285-1290(2009)
- *Assessing Panspermia hypothesis by microorganisms collected from the high altitude atmosphere.
Yang Y, Yokobori S. Yamagishi A.
Biol. Sci. Space.
23, 151-163 (2009)
Full Text
- *Deinococcus aerius sp. nov., isolated from the high atmosphere.
Yang Y, Itoh T, Yokobori S, Itahashi S, Shimada H, Satoh K, Ohba H, Narumi I, Yamagishi A
Internatl. J. Sys. Evol. Bacteriol. 59, 1862-1866 (2009)
- TANPOPO: Astrobiology Exposure and Micromeeoroid Capture Experiments For Understanding Survival Possibility of Trans-Space Migration of Microorganisms.
Yokobori S, Yamagishi A, Yang Y, Fujisaki K, Hashimoto H, Kawai H, Kobayashi K, Mita H, Okudaira K, Tabata M, Yano H, Yamashita M, Yoshimura Y, Tanpopo WG.
Orig. Life Evol. Biosph.39,64-65 (2009)
- *Gain and loss of an intron in the protein-coding gene in Archaea
Yokobori S, Itoh T, Yoshinari S, Nomura N, Sako Y, Yamagishi A, Oshima T, Kita K, Watanabe Y.
BMC Evol. Biol..
9, 198 (2009)
- Potential speciation of morphotypes in the photosymbiotic ascidian Didemnum molle in the Ryukyu Archipelago, Japan
Hirose, M., S. Yokobori, E. Hirose
Coral Reefs 28: 119-126 (2009)
- Induction profile of HSP70-cognate genes by environmental pollutants in Chironomidae.
Yoshimi T, K Odagiri, S Yokobori, Y Takahashi, Y Sugaya, T Miura
Environ. Toxic. Pharmacol. 28: 294-301 (2009)
- 好熱菌のタンパク質はなぜ熱に強いか
81 1064-1071 (2009)
- 地殻内熱水循環への実験的アプローチ
地学雑誌 118:1131-1159 (2009)
- 極限環境(微生物)研究の10年後を斬る「アストロバイオロジー:宇宙における生命の起原、進化、伝搬および未来」
J. Jap. Soc. Extremophiles 8 Special Issue. 29-30 (2009)
- 第1章 生命の起源と初期進化、海洋生命系のダイナミクス・シリーズ 第1巻「海洋の生命史」
p.10-27, 東海大学出版会 (2009)
- 有機物・微生物の宇宙曝露と宇宙塵・微生物の捕獲実験(たんぽぽ計画)
化学と生物 47 (9): 659-661 (2009)
- 生命の進化と古細菌
蛋白質核酸酵素 54 (2): 108-113 (2009)
- *Experimental evidence for the existence of a stable half-barrel subdomain in the (beta/alpha)8-barrel fold.
Akanuma S, Yamagishi A.
- *Random mutagenesis improves the low-temperature activity of the tetrameric 3-isopropylmalate dehydrogenase from the hyperthermophile Sulfolobus tokodaii.
Sasaki M, Uno M, Akanuma S, Yamagishi A.
- *Effects of pH and temperature on composition of polar lipids in Thermoplasma acidophilum HO-62.
Shimada H, Nemoto N, Shida Y, Oshima T, Yamagishi A
J. Bacteriol.
190: 5405-5411(2008)
- Prebiotic origin of glycolytic metabolism: histidine and cysteine can produce acetyl CoA from glucose via reactions homologous to non-phosphorylated Entner-Doudoroff pathway.
Shimizu M, Yamagishi A, Kinoshita K, Shida Y, Oshima T.
J. Biochem.
144, 383-388 (2008)
- Solvent site-dipole field accompanying protein-ligand approach process.
Takano N, Umezawa J, Ikebe K, Sonobe Y, Yagisawa R, Ito J, Hamasaki N, Mitomo D, Miyagawa H, Yamagishi A, Higo J
Chem-Bio. Informatics J. 8:14-24(2008)
- TANPOPO: astrobiology exposure and micrometeoroid capture experiments.
Yamagishi A., Yano H., Kobayashi K., Yokobori S., Tabata M., Kawai H., Yamashita M., Hashimoto H., Naraoka H. and Mita H.
International Symposium on Space Technology and Science (ISTS) Web Paper Archives. 2008-k-05 (2008)
- *UV-resistant Bacteria isolated from upper troposphere and lower stratosphere.
Yang Y. Itahashi S., Yokobori S. and Yamagishi A.
Biol.Sci.Space 22:18-25 (2008)
- *Investigation of cultivable microorganisms in the stratosphere collected by using a balloon in 2005.
Yang Y, Yokobori S, Kawaguchi J, Yamagami T, Iijima N, Izutsu H, Fuke Y, Saitoh S, Matsuzaka M, Namiki S, Ohta M, Toriumi K, Yamada I, Seo M, Yamagishi A
JAXA-RR-08-001,35-42 (2008)
- *Complete nucleotide sequences of mitochondrial genomes of two solitary entoprocts, Loxocorone allax and Loxosomella aloxiata: Implications for lophotrochozoan phylogeny.
Yokobori S, Iseto T, Asakawa S, Sasaki T, Shimizu N, Yamagishi A, Oshima T, Hirose E
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 47:612-628 (2008)
- Methods for reducing nonspecific interaction in antibody-antigen assay via atomic force microscopy.
Wakayama J, Sekiguchi H, Akanuma S, Ohtani T, Sugiyama S
Anal Biochem. 380:51-58 (2008)
- ATP Hydrolysis and Synthesis of a Rotary Motor V-ATPase from Thermus thermophilus.
Nakano M, Imamura H, Toei M, Tamakoshi M, Yoshida M, Yokoyama K.
J Biol Chem. 25;283(30):20789-20796 (2008)
- Molecular mechanism of energy conservation in polysulfide respiration.
Jormakka M, Yokoyama K, Yano T, Tamakoshi M, Akimoto S, Shimamura T, Curmi P, Iwata S.
Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol. 15:730-737 (2008)
- 微生物の辞典 「好酸性菌」
山岸明彦 渡邊信他編集
- たんぽぽ:宇宙ステーションでの微生物有機物捕獲,曝露実験
1. 山岸明彦,矢野創,小林憲正,横堀伸一,橋本博文,山下雅道
Viva Origino, 37, in press (2008)
- 原核生物における細胞骨格の進化
蛋白質核酸酵素 53, 1759-1764 (2008)
- *Extremely Thermophilic Translation System in the
Common Ancestor Commonote: Ancestral Mutants of
Glycyl-tRNA Synthetase from the Extreme Thermophile Thermus thermophilus.
Shimizu H, Yokobori S, Ohkuri T, Yokogawa T,
Nishikawa K, Yamagishi A.
J Mol Biol. (2007) 369(4):1060-9
- *An actin homolog of the archaeon Thermoplasma
acidophilum that retains the ancient characteristics
of eukaryotic actin.
Hara F, Yamashiro K, Nemoto N, Ohta Y, Yokobori S,
Yasunaga T, Hisanaga S, Yamagishi A.
J Bacteriol. (2007) 189(5):2039-45
- *The effects of mutations at position 253 on the thermostability of the Bacillus subtilis 3-isopropylmalate dehydrogenase subunit interface.
Ohkuri T, Yamagishi A
J.Biochem.141:791-797 (2007)
- "Purification and characterization of pepsinogens
from the gastric mucosa of African coelacanth, Latimeria
chalumnae, and properties of the major pepsins."
Tanji, M., E. Yakabe, T. Kageyama, S. Yokobori, M. Ichinose, K.
Miki, H. Ito, K. Takahashi
Comparative Biochem. Physiol. 146(3):412-20. (2007)
- Dodecamer rotor ring defines H+/ATP ratio for ATP synthesis of prokaryotic V-ATPase from Thermus thermophilus.
Toei M, Gerle C, Nakano M, Tani K, Gyobu N, Tamakoshi M, Sone N, Yoshida M, Fujiyoshi Y, Mitsuoka K, Yokoyama K.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 104:20256-20261(2007)
- シンポジウム「地球の初期環境と生命の起源・進化」企画意図 はじめに:地球の初期環境と生命の起源・進化研究法
遺伝別冊「進化でどこまでわかるか」 178-179 (2007)
- ワークショップ「地球の初期環境と生命の起源・進化」 「生命の起源のシナリオ」
遺伝別冊「進化でどこまでわかるか」 191-195 (2007)
- 宇宙空間での微生物・有機物・鉱物探査計画
横堀伸一、山岸明彦、川口寿太郎、Yang Yinjie、奥平恭子、矢野創、小林憲正、丸茂克美、山下雅道
スペースプラズマ 研究報告 2007
- 遺伝子からどこまでさかのぼれるか ー全生物の共通の祖先遺伝子を探るー
Biophilia 3 (2): 34-37 (2007)
- タンパク質工学
生物物理学ハンドブック、石渡信一、桂勲、桐野豊、美宅成樹編(2007)607-610 朝倉書店
- DNA-protein binding mediated by solvent site-dipole
Hamasaki, N., Miyagawa, H., Mitomo, D., Yamagishi, A. and Higo, J.
Chemical physics Lett. (2006) 431: 160-163
- Cloning and Characterization of Polyphenoloxidase DNA
from Agaricus brasiliensis S. Wasser et al.
(Agaricomycetideae) .
Matsumoto-Akanuma A, Yamagishi A, Motoi A, Ohno N.
International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms (2006),
8(1), 67-76.
- Thermostable proteins designed by using phylogenetic
Yamagishi A, Watanabe K,
Shimizu H, Ohkuri T, Yokobori S
In Proceedings of the International Symposium on
Extremophiles and Their Applications 2005. (2006)
- Archaeal pre-mRNA splicing: a connection to
hetero-oligomeric splicing endonuclease.
Yoshinari S, Itoh T, Hallam SJ,
DeLong EF, Yokobori S, Yamagishi A, Oshima T,
Kita K, Watanabe Y.
Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 346, 1024-1032 (2006)
- *The effects of multiple ancestral residues on the
Thermus thermophilus 3-isopropylmalate
Watanabe K, Yamagishi A.
FEBS Lett. 580: 3867-3871 (2006)
- Transition state of a SH3 domain detected with
principle component analysis and a charge-neutralized
all-atom protein model.
Mitomo D, Nakamura H, Ikeda K, Yamagishi A, Higo J
Proteins. 64(4):883-94. (2006)
- *Structural analysis of the plasmid pTA1 isolated from
the thermoacidophilic archaeon Thermoplasma
Yamashiro, K, Yokobori S, Oshima T, Yamagishi A
Extremophiles 10: 327-335 (2006)
- *Designing thermostable proteins: Ancestral mutants of
3-isopropylmalate dehydrogenase designed by using a
phylogenetic tree.
Watanabe K, Ohkuri T, Yokobori S,
Yamagishi A
J. Mol. Biol. 355, 664-674 (2006)
- Two-dimensional crystallization and analysis of
projection images of intact Thermus thermophilus
Gerle C, Tani K, Yokoyama K, Tamakoshi M,
Yoshida M, Fujiyoshi Y, Mitsuoka K
J. Struct. Biol. 153:200-206 (2006)
- The substrate specificity of tRNA (m1G37)
methyltransferase (TrmD) from Aquifex aeolicus: a
purine36G37 sequence in tRNA is recognized by the
Takeda, H., T. Yokooka, Y. Ikeuchi, S. Yokobori, K. Okadome, F.
Takano, T. Oshima, T. Suzuki, Y. Endo, H. Hori
Genes to Cells 11: 1353-1365 (2006)
- Multiple origins of the ascidian-Prochloron
symbiosis: Molecular phylogeny of photosymbiotic and
non-symbiotic colonial ascidians inferred from 18S rDNA
Yokobori S, A
Kurabayashi, BA Neilan, T Maruyama, E
Mol. Phylogen. Evol. 40: 8-19 (2006)
- 微生物採集装置の開発
宇宙研究開発機構研究開発報告:大気球報告2005 ISSN1349-1113,
JAXA-RR-05-012. pp. 117-128
- 第2章 生命の誕生そのメカニズム
2006, 「生物界の変遷」松本忠夫編、p. 22-30日本放送出版協会
- 生物の共通の祖先細胞の起源
「生体の科学」57(5): 356-357 (2006)
- 「人工タンパク質創製、進化的観点」特集:生命を創るー生命システムの理解に挑む化学
化学と工業 59: 856-859 (2006)
- 第2章 原始地球環境と化学進化
2006, 「生命環境科学II」石川統 編著、日本放送出版協会
- 第4章 極限環境での生物の生存戦略
2006, 「生命環境科学II」石川統 編著、日本放送出版協会
- 酵素の低温適応と分子進化
熱測定 33: 2-9 (2006)
- フロギストン(用語解説)低温適応、進化工学、系統樹
熱測定 33: 36 (2006)
- 原子間力顕微鏡による抗体抗原反応測定のための新しい方法
ブレインテクノニュース、No.133、26〜31 (2006)
- *Identification and characterization of key
substructures involved in the early folding events of a
(beta/alpha)8-barrel protein as studied by experimental
and computational methods
Akanuma S, Yamagishi A.
J. Mol. Biol. 353, 1161-1170 (2005)
- *A detailed unfolding pathway of a
(beta/alpha)8-barrel protein as studied by molecular
dynamics simulations.
Akanuma S, Miyagawa H, Kitamura K, Yamagishi A.
Proteins. 2005 Feb 15;58(3):538-46.
- *Characterization of the DNA gyrase from the
thermoacidophilic archaeon Thermoplasma acidophilum
Yamashiro K, Yamagishi A
J. Bacteriol. 187, 8531-8536 (2005)
- In situ Ore formation experiment: Amino acids and
amino sugars trapped in artificial chimneys on deep-sea
hydrothermal systems at Suiyo Seamount, Izu-Bonin Arc,
Pacific Ocean.
Takano Y, Marumo Y, Ebashi T,
Gupta LP, Kawahata H, Kobayashi K,
Yamagishi A, Kuwabara T
Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan. 78: 638-651 (2005).
- *Analysis of the Archaeal Sub-Seafloor Community at
Suiyo Seamount on the Izu-Bonin Arc
Hara K, Kakegawa T, Yamashiro K,
Maruyama A, Ishibashi J, Marumo K,
Urabe T, Yamagishi A
Advances in Space Research, 35(9), 1634-1642 (2005).
- Comparative study of flux redistribution of metabolic
pathway in glutamate production by two coryneform
Shirai T, Nakato A, Izutani N, Nagahisa K, Shioya S,
Kimura E, Kawarabayasi Y, Yamagishi A, Gojobori T, and
Shimizu H.
Metab Eng. 2005 Mar;7(2):59-69.
- *Thermostability of ancestral mutants of Caldococcus noboribetus isocitrate
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