Research Articles

Sekino S, Kashiwagi Y, Kanazawa H, Takada K, Baba T, Sato S, Inoue H, Kojima M, Tani K. (2015)
The NESH/Abi-3-based WAVE2 complex is functionally distinct from the Abi-1-based WAVE2 complex. Cell Commun Signal. 13(1):41
Inoue H, Matsuzaki Y, Tanaka A, Hosoi K, Ichimura K, Arasaki K, Wakana Y, Asano K, Tanaka M, Okuzaki D, Yamamoto A, Tani K, Tagaya M. (2015)
γ-SNAP stimulates disassembly of endosomal SNARE complexes and regulates endocytic trafficking pathways. J Cell Sci. 128(15):2781-94.
Arasaki, K., Shimizu, H., Mogari, H., Nishida, N., Hirota, N., Furuno,
A., Kudo, Y., Baba, M., Baba, N., Cheng, J., Fujimoto, T., Ishihara, N.,
Ortiz-Sandoval, C., Barlow, L. D., Raturi, A., Dohmae, N., Wakana, Y.,
Inoue, H., Tani, K., Dacks, J. B., Simmen, T., and Tagaya, M. (2015) A
Role for the Ancient SNARE Syntaxin 17 in Regulating Mitochondrial Division.
Dev. Cell 32, 304-317
Doi H, Ushiyama M, Baba T, Tani K, Shiina M, Ogata K, Miyatake S, Fukuda-Yuzawa Y, Tsuji S, Nakashima M, Tsurusaki Y, Miyake N, Saitsu H, Ikeda S, Tanaka F, Matsumoto N, Yoshida K. (2014) Late-onset spastic ataxia phenotype in a patient with a homozygous DDHD2 mutation.
Sci Rep., 4:7132.
Maemoto Y, Ono Y, Kiso S, Shibata H, Takahara T, Sorimachi H, Maki M. (2014) Involvement of calpain-7 in epidermal growth factor receptor degradation via the endosomal sorting pathway. FEBS Journal. 281, 3642-3655
Baba T, Kashiwagi Y, Arimitsu N, Kogure T, Edo A, Maruyama T, Nakao K, Nakanishi H, Kinoshita M, Frohman MA, Yamamoto A, Tani K. (2014) Phosphatidic acid (PA)-preferring phospholipase A1 regulates mitochondrial dynamics. J Biol Chem, 289(16):11497-511.
Baba, T., Yamamoto, A., Tagaya, M., and Tani, K. (2013) A lysophospholipid acyltransferase antagonist, CI-976, creates novel membrane tubules marked by intracellular phospholipase A(1) KIAA0725p. Mol. Cell Biochem. 376, 151-61
Maemoto Y, Kiso S, Shibata H, Maki M. (2013) Analysis of limited proteolytic activity of calpain-7 using non-physiological substrates in mammalian cells. FEBS Journal. 280 2594-2607
Maemoto Y, Shibata H, Maki M. (2013) Determination of Phosphorylation Site in CHMP1A. Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, 77, 1317-1319
Inoue, H., Baba, T., Sato, S., Ohtsuki, R., Takemori, A., Watanabe, T., Tagaya, M., and Tani, K. (2012)
Roles of SAM and DDHD domains in mammalian intracellular phospholipase A1 KIAA0725p. BBA, Vol. 1823, 930-939
Yonekawa, S., Furuno, A., Baba, T., Fujiki, Y., Ogasawara, Y., Yamamoto, A., Tagaya, M., and Tani, K. (2011) Sec16B is involved in the endoplasmic reticulum export of the peroxisomal membrane biogenesis factor peroxin 16 (Pex16) in mammalian cells. P.N.A.S. USA, 108,12746-12751
Arimitsu, N., Kogure, T., Baba, T., Nakao, K., Hamamoto, H., Sekimizu, K., Yamamoto, A., Nakanishi, H., Taguchi, R., Tagaya, M., and Tani., K. (2011) p125/Sec23-interacting protein (Sec23ip) is required for spermiogenesis. FEBS Letters, 585, 2171-2176
Maemoto Y, Osako Y, Goto E, Nozawa E, Shibata H, Maki M. (2011) Calpain-7 binds to CHMP1B at its second α-helical region and forms a ternary complex with IST1. Journal of Biochemistry, 150, 411-421
Sato, S., Inoue, H., Kogure, T., Tagaya, M., and Tani, K. (2010) Golgi-localized KIAA0725p regulates membrane trafficking from the Golgi apparatus to the plasma membrane in mammalian cells. FEBS Letter 584, 4389-4395
Osako Y, Maemoto Y, TanakaR, Suzuki H, Shibata H, Maki M. (2010) Autolytic activity of human calpain-7 is enhanced by ESCRT-III-related protein IST1 through MIT-MIM interaction. FEBS Journal, 227, 4412-4426
Iinuma, T., Aoki, T., Arasaki, K., Hirose, H., Yamamoto, A., Samata, R., Hauri, H. P., Arimitsu, N., Tagaya, M., and Tani, K. (2009) Role of syntaxin 18 in the organization of endoplasmic reticulum subdomains. J. Cell Sci. 122, 1680-1690
Nagahama, M., Ohnishi, M., Kawate, Y., Matsui, T., Miyake, H., Yuasa, K., Tani, K, Tagaya, M., and Tsuji, A. (2009) UBXD1 is a VCP-interacting protein that is involved in ER-associated degradation. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 382, 303-308
Farhan, H., Weiss, M., Tani, K., Kaufman, R. J., and Hauri, H. P. (2008) Adaptation of endoplasmic reticulum exit sites to acute and chronic increases in cargo load. EMBO J. 27, 2043-2054
Wakana, Y., Takai, S., Nakajima, K., Tani, K., Yamamoto, A., Watson, P., Stephens, D., Hauri, H. P., and Tagaya, M. (2008) Bap31 is an itinerant protein that moves between the peripheral ER and a juxtanuclear compartment related to ER-associated degradation. Mol. Biol. Cell 19, 1825-1836
Aoki, T., Kojima, M., Tani, K., and Tagaya, M. (2008) Sec22b-dependent assembly of endoplasmic reticulum Q-SNARE proteins. Biochem. J. 410, 93-100
Arasaki, K., Uemura, T., Tani, K., and Tagaya, M. (2007) Correlation of Golgi localization of ZW10 and centrosomal accumulation of dynactin. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 359, 811-816
Iinuma, T., Shiga, A., Nakamoto, K., O'brien, M. B., Aridor, M., Arimitsu, N., Tagaya, M., and Tani, K. (2007) Mammalian Sec16/p250 plays a role in membrane traffic from the endoplasmic reticulum. J. Biol. Chem. 282, 17632-17639
Arasaki, K., Tani, K., Yoshimori, T., Stephens, D. J., and Tagaya, M. (2007) Nordihydroguaiaretic acid affects multiple dynein-dynactin functions in interphase and mitotic cells. Mol. Pharmacol. 71, 454-460
Yamasaki, A., Tani, K., Yamamoto, A., Kitamura, N., and Komada, M. (2006) The Ca2+-binding protein ALG-2 is recruited to endoplasmic reticulum exit sites by Sec31A and stabilizes the localization of Sec31A. Mol. Biol. Cell 17, 4876-4887
Nagahama, M., Yamazoe, T., Hara, Y., Tani, K., Tsuji, A., and Tagaya, M. (2006) The AAA-ATPase NVL2 is a component of pre-ribosomal particles that interacts with the DExD/H-box RNA helicase DOB1. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 346, 1075-1082
Arasaki, K., Taniguchi, M., Tani, K., and Tagaya, M. (2006) RINT-1 regulates the localization and entry of ZW10 to the syntaxin 18 complex. Mol. Biol. Cell 17, 2780-2788
Hirao, N., Sato, S., Gotoh, T., Maruoka, M., Suzuki, J., Matsuda, S., Shishido,
T., and Tani, K. (2006) NESH (Abi-3) is present in the Abi/WAVE complex
but does not promote c-Abl-mediated phosphorylation. FEBS Lett. 580, 464-470
Shimoi, W., Ezawa, I., Nakamoto, K., Uesaki, S., Gabreski, G., Aridor,
M., Yamamoto, A., Nagahama, M., Tagaya, M., and Tani, K. (2005) p125 is
localized in endoplasmic reticulum exit sites and involved in their organization.
J. Biol. Chem. 280, 10141-10148
Maruoka, M., Suzuki, J., Kawata, S., Yoshida, K., Hirao, N., Sato, S., Gof,f S. P., Takeya, T., Tani, K., and Shishido, T. (2005) Identification of B cell adaptor for PI3-kinase (BCAP) as an Abl interactor 1-regulated substrate of Abl kinases. FEBS Lett. 579, 2986-2990
Wakana, Y., Koyama, S., Nakajima, K., Hatsuzawa, K., Nagahama, M., Tani, K., Hauri, H. P., Melancon, P., and Tagaya, M. (2005) Reticulon 3 is involved in membrane trafficking between the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 334, 1198-1205
Review Articles

多賀谷光男、新崎恒平、谷佳津子 (2015)MAM—ミトコンドリア機能を制御する小胞体サブドメイン、実験医学33, 2553-2559
多賀谷光男、谷佳津子、新崎恒平 (2013)オルガネラ接触部位:多様な機能と疾患、実験医学31, 1791-1797
Tani K, Yonekawa S. (2013) Transport of peroxisomal membrane proteins via the endoplasmic reticulum.
Seikagaku. Jan;85(1):30-3. 85, 30-33
Tani, Katsuko, Kogure, Takeshi, Inoue, Hiroki (2012). The intracellular phospholipase A1 protein family, Biomolecular Concepts, Volume 3, Issue 5, Pages 471–478
Maki M, Maemoto Y, Osako Y, Shibata H. Evolutionary and physical linkage between calpains and penta-EF-hand Ca2+-binding proteins. (2012) FEBS Journal, 279, 1414-1421
Katsuko Tani, Mitsuo Tagaya, Shusuke Yonekawa and Takashi Baba (2011)
Dual function of Sec16B: endoplasmic reticulum-derived protein secretion and peroxisome biogenesis in mammalian cells
Cellular Logistics, Volume 1, Issue 4 July - December 2011, Pages 164 - 167
Shishido T, Suzuki J, Tani K. Mechanism of c-Abl kinase activation by adaptor proteins.
Seikagaku. (2006) Jun;78(6):521-5.
Tani K. Versatile functions of a novel phospholipase A1 family.
Seikagaku.(2004) Jan;76(1):41-5.
多賀谷光男、谷佳津子(2000)核・小胞体・ゴルジ体のバイオジェネシス、細胞工学 19,996-1001

Tani, K., Baba, T., and Inoue, K. (2014) The Structures and Functions of Intracellular Phospholipase A1 Family Proteins. Phospholipases in Health and Disease, Eds; Tappia, P. S, and Dhalla, N. S. Springer Science+Business Media New York, 87-99
谷佳津子(分担執筆)(2010)、「未来の治療に向かって 生命医科学の挑 戦」多賀谷光男・柳 茂 編、 第七章 細胞内タンパク質輸送の破綻と病気、 科学のとびら 48、東京化学同人
Tomoyuki Shishido, Mizuho Sato, Masahiro Maruoka, and Katsuko Tani. (2008) Adaptor Proteins and Cancer, Edited by Maria-Magdalena Georgescu.
Abelson interactor (Abi) family proteins and cancer.
Japanese Translation
Tani, K.(2013)Harper's Biochemistry, 29th ed. p.641-664